Happy Halloween friends! Today I’m sharing with you a quick and easy DIY Superhero Backdrop that you can make with dollar store supplies and in just minutes! A DIY Superhero Backdrop is perfect for your superhero parties, for fun photo booth backgrounds, OR for taking pictures of your little superheros on Halloween! Which is just why I made mine!
What you’ll need:
- Black posterboard (or whatever color you prefer)
- Yellow or light-colored crayon
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Removable mounting squares
And the steps:
- Simply draw the design of the “city landscape” that you want right onto the back of the posterboard with a yellow crayon (that is the color that I felt showed up the best)
- Cut along the lines you’ve drawn
- Mount the posterboard to the wall with removable mounting squares, and you’re done! Easy!
My kids are dressed up as Spiderman and Batman this year. My little superheros! Earlier this week I shared some of their past costumes. Isn’t it so much fun to dress them up? I’m setting them up for blackmail pictures early on! Well they both had a lot of fun playing in front of their new backdrop, you know until they were tired of mom taking pictures. You’ll be able to tell when that happened below!
Ok kiddos, I get it, you’re done! They’re just so cute. What are your little ones dressed up as this year? Could you use a quick and easy DIY Superhero Backdrop in your home?
linked up here, create & inspire, tatertots & jello, the 36th avenue, tip junkie, i {heart} naptime, frugal girls, home stories a to z, savvy southern style