Hi friends! Today I’m sharing with you yet another mercury glass project: mercury glass mason jars! I love mercury glass, I love mason jars, so this is naturally one of my favorite combinations yet! And after the DIY Mercury Glass Trees I shared with you earlier this week, this was the next project on my list to update our house for the holidays! The steps are again the same as the trees…
What you’ll need:
- Glass Mason Jars
- Krylon Looking Glass Spray Paint
- DecoArt Americana Zinc Acrylic Paint
- Small Spray Bottle
- Water
And the steps:
- Mix 1 part water and 1 part zinc paint in a small spray bottle
- Spray blotches of paint into the glass and let it dry a bit
- Once somewhat dry, spray numerous light coats of the Looking Glass spray paint into the mason jars until well covered
- And voila – mercury glass mason jars!
Once they were completely dry, I popped a couple of candles inside. And here’s how they turned out…
Eeee! I love them, our mercury glass mason jars. Right now they’re showcased on our breakfast table, which is the table we use the most, so that I can stare at them everyday! We’re on our way…what Christmas craft projects are you working on?