This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® hand wipes. The opinions and texts are all mine. Survive the summer and all the fun messes you’ll encounter with a Summer Survival Kit with Wet Ones® Hand Wipes!

Hi friends! We’ve officially welcomed the first day of summer, can you believe it? Well the days that my boys are spending at home is driving the fact home with me! Before you start hearing the words “I’m bored” (let’s hope you haven’t heard them already), today we’re sharing a Summer Survival Kit with Wet Ones® Hand Wipes that just might get you through some of the tough spots of summer and will certainly help you keep things tidy!

I headed down Walmart before the last day of school this year and stocked up on some fun outdoor goodies – buckets, bubbles and beach balls! Then I added in some sweet treats – popsicles, candies and more. Since these goodies and treats can get messy, you’d better believe I also picked up some Wet Ones® Hand Wipes! They’re perfect for all of life’s messy moments. Then I packaged everything up and tacked on these fun Summer Survival Kit tags that you can also DOWNLOAD HERE.

Why add in Wet Ones® Hand Wipes? Wet Ones® Hand Wipes make me feel like a good mom, clean and germ free, refreshed, and ready for everything that this summer throws at me. Fully knowing that these fun little survival kits would get us outside, enjoying our summer break, I also knew that we’d be enjoying messy popsicles, playing outdoors and leave it to my boys to find new and innovative ways to get dirty.

Wet Ones® Hand Wipes cleans dirt and germs AND freshens the skin! I have to be honest that I’m slightly obsessed with the citrus scent too, it just smells like fresh summer sun! And it’s a whiz at cleaning up those summer spills…

So if you’re a mom looking for something fun to gift your kiddos this summer OR want a fun gift to give to a mom near you, download our Summer Survival Kit gift tags and fill those buckets full!

And be sure to add in some Wet Ones® Hand Wipes from Walmart – and stock up yourself this summer season! Wet Ones® Hand Wipes help control unexpected messes. They go wherever I go and give me peace of mind wherever I am. And with THREE BOYS, sometimes peace of mind is just what I need!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® Hand Wipes. The opinions and texts are all mine.