Teacher Appreciation Day and the end of the school year are both quickly approaching. What a great time to show your child’s teacher that you appreciate all of their hard work! Since I used to be an elementary school teacher, I can tell you that useful, thoughtful gifts are a teacher’s favorite! I promise you that we have plenty of candles and coffee mugs *wink*. But something with a handmade touch that can be used on a daily or weekly basis… now that’s a great gift! I’m Kara of Mine for the Making and I am going to show you how to make this Painted Clipboard Teacher Gift!
There’s a few great things about this project: my daughter was able to help make it, it didn’t break my bank, and it only took about 20-30 minutes to make.
To make your own you will need:
- a vinyl stencil (I created mine using my Silhouette Cameo)
- transfer paper/tape
- a clipboard
- craft paint
- sponge brush
- ribbon
- scissors
I absolutely love my Silhouette Cameo and most times I create my own designs. But for those times that I am in a rush, I can head to the Silhouette online store and purchase a design for 99 cents. Yep! How great, right? So that’s what I did for this project. I typed the keyword “teacher” into the search bar and looked through the designs until I found one that I loved (it’s always hard to pick!). After purchasing and uploading to my library, I measured my clipboard, adjusted the settings on Silhouette, and cut the design out on vinyl.

After weeding the design, I added transfer tape to it and applied the vinyl design to the clipboard, making sure it was centered, then pressing it down and smoothing it out.

Once I removed the transfer tape and set up the paints, my daughter sponge painted the design on the clipboard. We chose the colors green and yellow for her music teacher.

We let the paint dry and removed the vinyl. Then we added ribbon to the top of the clipboard. Don’t you just love how our Painted Clipboard Teacher Gift turned out?! My daughter is so excited to give this to her music teacher.

If you are looking for a couple more teacher appreciation gift ideas, check out this one and this one too! Let’s make sure our teachers know how much we appreciate them and all they do for our kids.
that’s adorable! i keep seeing such awesome things done with a silhouette that i have to keep talking myself out of buying one. i feel like i wouldn’t use it often enough to justify it.
xo, allie
Super cute!! As a teacher, I would love to get this. Love it!!